My last creation - The Foliagenator.

My last creation - The Foliagenator.

The aviary funded by Leichhardt Council.

my commitment to wildlife

I am currently a member of WIRES Inner West Sydney and my main role lies in maintenance and construction of wildlife facilities.

I am usually coming up with more efficient and creative ways to assist the hands on of carers of animals, and it’s an honour to be able to use my skills and experiences for such a great cause.

Some of my partnerships in this sector include:

  • Secured funding from Bunnings Alexandria for the development of an innovative product to preserve the foliage and save water at the White’s Creek Annandale WIRES possum enclosure;

  • Design and constructed a flight aviary for WIRES Inner West Sydney funded by the Leichhardt Council to help native birds to recover after injuries;

  • Provided a Foliagenator to assist with the transportation of foliage for the beautiful people of the Wildlife Stations Shoalheaven group who have worked tirelessly to provide relief to the bushfires affected areas down the South Coast of NSW.

    More information about my last creation, the Foliagenator, is available at